Monday, April 24, 2006

Hypnotism in General

Hypnotism is an enigma to most people. They just see stage hypnotists seemingly make innocent volunteers do thier bidding by clucking like a chicken or dancing crazily on stage. I will admit that I was once one of those people. I was intrigued by mechanics behind it. How did this hypnotist make so many people do what they wanted?

I did what most people fail to do when they encounter something that intrigues them. I began to read as much about it as I could. The ony unfortunate part was that there was very little literature on the subject in Tennesee, where I used to live. As luck would have it, I moved to Key West into a house of a hypnotherapist. It is amazing how the universe works.

She had many volumes on the subject and I read at least nine books. The first thing I learned about hypnosis was that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. I would never hypnotize anyone. That revelation might discourage some. Yet, it only intrigued me more. It also made me want to learn more because I learned that a hypnotherapist helps people help themselves.

I was actually surprised to learn how much of a benefit hypnosis could be to most people. Quit smoking, lose weight, phobias, insomnia, depression, pain managment, stress, and excessive anger are just the tip of the iceberg. Basically anything you can think of can be attended to with hypnosis. That makes it an amazingly powerful tool! My own personal journey had begun. It is time for me to share my craft with the world.

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