Thursday, May 04, 2006


Pronounced rap-ore

In my opinion, rapport is the single most important principle of hypnosis. Success or failure can rely solely on whether or not the hypnotist gainned enough rapport with the client. I also feel as though the 30/30/30/10 idea needs to be adjusted for those that are able to easily gain more rapport with other people. I believe that certain people can significantly increase their success rate by their ability to gain rapport with the client. So, what is this mysterious rapport?

Rapport is simply the relationship you build witht he client. Basically, it is the trust that the client builds over time with you. If they trust you, they will have no problem going into trance and talking about their problems.

This basic idea can be seen every day. Who are the most successful salemen? The people with the most charisma and charming. Salesmen work very hard to gain a rapport with people by finding things to talk about that is of interest to the person they are trying to sell something to. I hear it all the time. A person goes into the store and the salesman walks up and starts to talk to them. Before they know it, they have bought things that they didn'treally need.

The salesperson gainned enough rapport and effectively threw out the suggestions that the person took. It has happened to me and probably everyone. Rapport is the most powerful tool of the hypnotist.

Magic Words

During a class with my peers, a technique was brought up by a man that seems to be an interesting way to ease someone into trance. I noticed later that I actually used this technique without knowing that I was doing it.

What is it? Just say, "I need your help." Asking someone for help gives them all the control and creates an instant rapport.

Future Pacing

Future pacing is a very wonderful tool that a hypnotist can use in helping a client. It is also very simple.

Put them into trance.

Tell them to imagine how their life will be after they solved their problem and were no longer plagued by it.

Ask them to dwell for a minute and bask in how wonderful they feel.

Then have them look back to the moment of now and notice how the rest of their life aligns itself to the point of success.

Ask them how it made them feel.

Who did that to them? Not the hypnotist. It is amazing noticing the power of their mind!

Formulating Suggestions

I have noticed recently in some attempts to deliver some suggestions that many people, even after being trained, still deliver improper suggestions. For those that don't know, a suggestion is a type of specifically formulated statement used by hypnotist to be delivered into the unconcious mind.

A few rules that very important yet are forgotten are:

1. Use positive statements. Never tell someone they are now a non-smoker. A person's unconcious mind will drop out the negative. What would their unconcious hear from the statement above? You are now a smoker. A better suggestion would be, "You are a wonderful auir breathing mammal free from the grips of cigarettes prventing your lungs from doing their perfect work."

2. Stay in present tense. This is something very easily forgotten. The hypnotist usually is helping a person work toward a goal. They can forget themselves and state that they are working towards a goal. Alot of the time, they will say, "You will feel this way." The correct way to say it is, "You are feeling this way." The reasoning is that sure a furture tense suggestion could work but it doesn't give instant results and no one knows when it will happen.

3. Be specific. This is more for communication purposes. If you aren't specific with your suggestions, some resultsmay be lost due the suggestion being vague. You might even get some undesired results!

4. Use time as much as possible. Tell the person when it is happening and for how long. An example would be, "You are feeling very confident more and more each and every day, now and forever." That suggestion tell them what is going on and and leave room for improvement each and every day.

Another good thing to do when using suggestions that I have found to be very useful is afirmations. While a person is in trance, formulate the suggestion using "I am". Tell them to repeate in their mind over and over while you deliver it. An example of an affirmation would be, "I am learning more efficiently each and every day."

Formulaing suggestions is more important than most people think. Pay very close attention while delivering suggestions because the better you do it, the greater the affects they will have.