I have noticed recently in some attempts to deliver some suggestions that many people, even after being trained, still deliver improper suggestions. For those that don't know, a suggestion is a type of specifically formulated statement used by hypnotist to be delivered into the unconcious mind.
A few rules that very important yet are forgotten are:
1. Use positive statements. Never tell someone they are now a non-smoker. A person's unconcious mind will drop out the negative. What would their unconcious hear from the statement above? You are now a smoker. A better suggestion would be, "You are a wonderful auir breathing mammal free from the grips of cigarettes prventing your lungs from doing their perfect work."
2. Stay in present tense. This is something very easily forgotten. The hypnotist usually is helping a person work toward a goal. They can forget themselves and state that they are working towards a goal. Alot of the time, they will say, "You will feel this way." The correct way to say it is, "You are feeling this way." The reasoning is that sure a furture tense suggestion could work but it doesn't give instant results and no one knows when it will happen.
3. Be specific. This is more for communication purposes. If you aren't specific with your suggestions, some resultsmay be lost due the suggestion being vague. You might even get some undesired results!
4. Use time as much as possible. Tell the person when it is happening and for how long. An example would be, "You are feeling very confident more and more each and every day, now and forever." That suggestion tell them what is going on and and leave room for improvement each and every day.
Another good thing to do when using suggestions that I have found to be very useful is afirmations. While a person is in trance, formulate the suggestion using "I am". Tell them to repeate in their mind over and over while you deliver it. An example of an affirmation would be, "I am learning more efficiently each and every day."
Formulaing suggestions is more important than most people think. Pay very close attention while delivering suggestions because the better you do it, the greater the affects they will have.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
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